The mechanic turns five today!

My baby boy is five, I can hardly believe it. The time has flown since he was born. We had a hot dog dinner for him yesterday and again I feel blessed with the family God has given me. My family is very lucky to have people that love us and live close enough to visit. We really enjoyed it, and the boys really enjoyed the super soakers. I am just kind of winging the weight watchers thing, I can't count points. I can count them, but I hate it. My husband is tired of me dieting all ready and doesn't want to hear another word about it. I have been sticking close to my thirty points a day but have gone over once. I probably get extra points for breastfeeding but some days it doesn't happen often so I didn't count it. I want to change my lifestyle not just live on a diet the rest of my life. So I have taken a small town city girls advice and cut my servings in half. I have also started using a small plate so I can trick myself into thinking I've had a lot of food. I have gotten in my exercise and will walk the track this afternoon while the boys have tball practice. I want to change the way I view food not just have columns of healthy and not healthy. I have been praying and drinking so much water that I spend half the day in the I hope everyone has a great Monday!