
This blog will be written by a stay at home mom/student. I am trying to enjoy every minute of life I get and raise my children to be happy with what we have been given. Anything written here will be by me, for my well being and piece of mind. I want to open other peoples eyes, and let them see that we can make it on less.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The crazy little things I pack!

So I am busy packing to leave for my second favorite place on earth. The first being home, and the second being Holden Beach North Carolina. I have a bag in which I pack all the stuff I may need during the week. Here goes.
deodorant,sunblock,lotion,tampons,hair bows,toothpaste,tweezers,neosporin,band aids,gas relief pills,Rolaids,matches,toothbrush,razor,comb,soap,battery charger,camera cable,qtips,safety pins,benedryl,thermometer,oragel,hydro cortisone cream, and children's Motrin. That is my go to bag for all the crazy stuff that seems to happen on a daily basis with! Hope everyone is having a great Thursday.


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