
This blog will be written by a stay at home mom/student. I am trying to enjoy every minute of life I get and raise my children to be happy with what we have been given. Anything written here will be by me, for my well being and piece of mind. I want to open other peoples eyes, and let them see that we can make it on less.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Gift Wrap!!!!

I have a 5 year old in kindergarten. If any of you have a child in public school then you know the amount of paper sent home every week. Ofcourse being a mommy I save all the real crafty things and anything that makes me cry. However I am still left with tons of paper and I hate to just throw it away. So we have used it in the printer for recipes, coupons, and ect. I use it to write lists, chore charts, notes to my hubby, and drawing paper. We are also using anything artsy or colorful to wrap small gifts. That way other people get to enjoy his artwork before it gets tossed away and I don't have my counter totally covered in his beautiful papers. Thanks to my husband buying box upon box of little debbie chrismas cakes we have gift tags for no extra cost.(they print them on the back of the box) I also use last years old christmas cards by cutting the front off and using them for cards on gifts. If you have anymore ideas on how to reuse your childs art work please feel free to comment. I hope everyone has a great monday!!


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